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Miami International Ballet Competition - OPEN de Medellín

is open to dancers of all nationalities from ages 9 - 24. 

The Competition will take place at the

Teatro Pablo Tobón Uribe

September 11 - 14, 2025

The program will include master classes in the following locations: 

Teatro Pablo Tobón Uribe - Ballet Internacional 


Registrations Will Open April 1st 2025


Participants may enter the competition as Individual Competitors, or as part of a Duo/Trio, Ensemble or Pas de Deux, in the classical, contemporary or Folkloric category. They may either represent a school or company or compete as an independent performer. 

There are three competitive categories and four age divisions, each with an individual performance fee. The participant’s appropriate division will be determined by their age as of September 11th, 2025. Competitors that enter in the Individual or Pas de Deux categories may also participate as part of an Ensemble or Duo/Trio.  The age division of Ensemble’s and Duos/Trios will be determined by the average age of the competitors.

2025 MIBC OPEN Categories





Participants in this category must complete and submit the corresponding registration forms, along with the fee. There are four age divisions. 

Participants who wish to compete with a classical and contemporary solo must complete the corresponding forms for each solo.

Registrations received before July 1st will pay our discounted early bird registration fee of $150 per variation. 

DIVISION 1: AGES 9 TO 11 – REGISTRATION FEE: US$175 per variation

Participants in this division may prepare one classical variation, selected from our list of approved repertoire, one contemporary solo or one Classical variation and one contemporary variation.  Participants in this Division are allowed to compete with or without pointe shoes.

Registrations received before July 1st will pay our discounted early bird registration fee of $150 per variation. 

DIVISION 2: AGES 12 TO 14 – REGISTRATION FEE: US$175 per variation

Participants in this division may prepare one classical variation, selected from our list of approved repertoire, one contemporary solo or one Classical variation and one contemporary variation.

Registrations received before July 1st will pay our discounted early bird registration fee of $150 per variation. 

DIVISION 3: AGES 15 TO 18 – REGISTRATION FEE: US$175 per variation

Participants in this division may prepare one classical variation, selected from our list of approved repertoire, one contemporary solo or one Classical variation and one contemporary variation.

Registrations received before July 1st will pay our discounted early bird registration fee of $150 per variation. 

DIVISION 4: AGES 19 TO 24 – REGISTRATION FEE: US$175 per variation

Participants in this division may prepare one classical variation, selected from our list of approved repertoire, one contemporary solo or one Classical variation and one contemporary variation.

Registrations received before July 1st will pay our discounted early bird registration fee of $150 per variation. 

*Contemporary solos should be no longer than 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

* Participants have the option to compete with one of the following contemporary variations 

Division 1 & 2 – Female

Division 1 & 2 – Male

Division 3 & 4 – Female

Division 3 & 4 – Male

Music: Juan Carlos Aleixandre

Choreography : Miao Zong


2025 MIBC OPEN Regulations


Scoring is evaluated on a 100-point scale and will be based on the following criteria:

1. Technical ability - 2. Artistic interpretation -  3. Musicality - 4. Overall presentation.

Awards will be given to the highest scores, not always coinciding with the placement of Gold, Silver and Bronze.

You may have the highest score, but not as high as for a Gold medal. Therefore you might get 1st place – Silver or Bronze Medal.

The judges’ individual scores will be averaged to make up the participant’s final score. Final awards and placement are at the discretion of the judges. All decisions are final and not open for discussion.

2025 MIBC OPEN Venues

Teatro Pablo Tobón Uribe.

Cra. 40 #51-24,

Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia

For address click here

September 11 - 14, 2025

The program will include master classes in the following locations:

Teatro Pablo Tobón Uribe

Cra. 40 #51-24,

Ballet Internacional
Calle 32 F # 63A 32


Teatro Uribe Medellin MIBC sede
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Registrations for the  2025 MIBC OPEN Medellín Will Open on April 1st 2025

Please make sure that you have read the Rules and Regulations

2025 MIBC OPEN Medellín - Hotels


• Welcome berverage
• Breakfast Buffet
• Local calls
• Free unlimited internet
• Save Box
• Air Conditioning
• Coffee Machine
• Gym and more amenities.

Cra. 43a # 4 sur 75, Medellín,
El Poblado, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia
Phone : +57 316 3235004

Reservation information and group discounts will be available nearer the time


Cra. 36 #2 sur 60, Medellín,
El Poblado, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia
Teléfono de Contácto: +57 316 3235004

Reservation information and group discounts will be available nearer the time


The rates include:Desayuno Buffet

  • Buffet Breakfast

  • Internet connection and Wi-Fi in the common areas of the Hotel.

  • Air conditioning.

  • Covered parking 24 hours.

Tequendama Hotel Medellín
C. 50 #70-124, Laureles - Estadio, Medellín, Laureles, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia
Phone: +57 3175101560

Reservation information and group discounts will be available nearer the time


All competitors will be awarded a diploma of participation. 

Medals will be determined by total score and not by final order.

- Classical Solo Category: 

Gold Medal, Silver Medal, Bronze Medal per Division. 

Medals to be determined by total score. 


- Contemporary Solo Category:

Gold Medal, Silver Medal, Bronze Medal per Division in every Category.

Medals to be determined by total score. 


- Ensemble Category: 

One winner per Division.


- Classical Pas de Deux Category: 

One winning couple per Division.

Medal to be determined by total score. 


- Contemporary Pas de Deux Category: 

One winning couple per Division.

Medal to be determined by   total score. 

New Special Prizes.


2 Special Prizes for soloists:  Invitation to the Miami International Ballet Competition 2026 finals to be held in the month of January, that year. (Free Entry to the competition) for one female and one male competitors.

Based on the final scoring, the jury will decide whether these prizes are awarded or not.


1 Special Ensemble Prize: Invitation to the Miami International Ballet Competition 2026 finals to be held in the month of January, that year. (Free Entry for the whole group) Winning ensemble must maintain the same number of competitors if participating in Miami 2026.


All medalists will skip the initial application fee to participate in Miami IBC 2026. This means they have been pre-selected and may go directly to Registration where they must pay to enter the event.


Miami International Ballet Competition OPEN will recognize the TOP TEN competitors with the highest scores in each Division. A Diploma will be given. 

2025 MIBC OPEN MEDELLIN Scholarships

Scholarship Partners for MIBC Open de Medellin 2025 will be announced soon!

Keep an eye on our social media @miamiibc for exciting updates and announcements!

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