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MIBC 2022


The Miami International Ballet Competition is open to dancers of all nationalities from ages 9 – 24.

The Competition will take place at the Julius Littman North Miami Beach Performing Arts Theater 


Applications for the Miami International Ballet Competition in Miami will open June 1st 2025.

There are TWO PARTS to the Miami International Ballet Competition competitor application process. 

All participants must complete and submit an application form, contingent on their selected category, along with a video, headshot and a non-refundable registration fee.

Please note that you can apply with a video dancing any variation.

Not necessarily using the variation you will be competing with. This is only an audition.

PART I: Online Application


Available: June 1st, 2025

Deadline: October 1st, 2025


Participants may enter the competition as Individual Competitors, an Ensemble or Pas de Deux, either representing a company or school or as an independent performer. There are three competitive categories, and four age divisions, each with an individual performance fee. The participant’s appropriate division will be determined by their age as of January 21, 2026. Dancers applying in the Pas de Deux category must submit two individual applications, one for the male applicant and one for the female applicant. Please make sure to reference your partner’s name in the Partner Information section of the application. Competitors that enter in the Individual or Pas de Deux categories may also participate as part of an Ensemble. An Ensemble’s age division will be determined by the average age of the competitors.


Your online application form submission must include a video, a headshot,

and the corresponding application fee.

Please note that you can apply with a video dancing any variation from the approved repertoire list. This can but does not have to be the same variation that you plan to compete with as this is only an audition.

Application Fees

Individual Competitor: $50

​Pas de Deux: $100 per couple ($50 per dancer)

Ensemble: $100 per group 

*Please use the PayPal link to pay for your application.

Photo and Video Uploads


Individual Competitor: One classical variation from the approved repertoire list.


Pas de Deux: Adagio section from any of the Pas de Deux in the approved repertoire list.

*Please upload your video to YouTube or Vimeo and provide us with the link when prompted in the application. Video submission does not have to be of the work being presented at the competition. 


No pre-recorded live performances. All videos must be recorded in a studio setting. Camera must be in a fixed location with no close ups, panning or editing. Wear normal rehearsal clothes such as unitards or leotards with a t-shirt for men. No leg warmers, skirts or anything that will cover the lines of the body.

Please note that you can apply with a video dancing any variation. Not necessarily using the variation you will be competing with. This is only an audition.


Headshots must be in black and white and no smaller than 3 x 3 inches following the  sample.

​If selected to compete, you will receive an email confirmation within 7 days of submitting the application (Part 1).

This email will have a password to access MIBC registration. (Part 2)

This will be your final registration form. You will also be prompted to upload your music at this time.


Part 1

PART 2: Final Registration and Music Upload


AVAILABLE: Only upon completion and acceptance of PART 1

DEADLINE: December 1st, 2025

A late fee will apply after that day. No exceptions.


After completing PART 1, you will receive an email confirmation which will

include a password to access PART 2.



Your final registration form submission must include your performance music and

the corresponding registration fee(s):

*All registration fees will include: registration, free admission to all competition rounds, one admission to gala performance, diploma of participation, and admission to all workshop classes.

Registration Fee


DIVISION 1: Ages  9 to 11 -  $250

DIVISION 2: Ages 12 to 14 - $375

DIVISION 3: Ages 15 to 18 - $425

DIVISION 4: Ages 19 to 24 - $450

+ $100 VIDEO / PHOTO FEE per dancer


DIVISION 1: Ages 9 to 11 -   $50*

DIVISION 2: Ages 12 to 17 - $50*

DIVISION 3: Ages 18 to 24 - $50*

*Per dancer

+ $100 VIDEO / PHOTO FEE per group


DIVISION 1: Ages 13 to 14 - $300*

DIVISION 2: Ages 15 to 18 - $300*

DIVISION 3: Ages 19 to 24 - $300*

*Per couple

+ $100 VIDEO / PHOTO FEE per couple

*Please use the PayPal link to pay for your registration.


  • The only accepted format is .mp3 (no other file types will be accepted).

  • Your music must be recorded at desired speed, there will be NO adjustments made during the competition.

  • The competition will be played digitally, but participants are responsible for having a backup CD if necessary. For more information on music, please click here.

  • Please name your music file as: 

  • (Category, Style, Division, Last name, First name, School, Music Title)

  • Example: Solo, Classical, DIV 1, Smith, Mary, DanceStudio, Paquita, 1st variation.mp3)


Miami International Ballet Competition will automatically accept dancers who have won any of the first three prizes or Grand Prix between January 1st, 2025 and October 31st, 2025; at the following international ballet competitions:


   • Moscow International Ballet Competition

   • Helsinki International Ballet Competition

   • Varna International Ballet Competition

   • Prix de Lausanne

   • Jackson International Ballet Competition

   • World Ballet Competition

   • Golden Pointe Ballet Competition, Poland

   • Certamen Internacional de Escuelas de Ballet, Lima, Peru

   • Star of Canaan Dance International Ballet Competition, Hong Kong, Malaysia Taiwan

   • Universal Ballet Competition (Classical Ballet Category only)

   • American Dance Competition


Applicants who meet the eligibility requirements and have received one of these awards will not be required to upload a video or pay the $50 application fee and may skip the MIBC application process to go directly to registration by submitting the following by email to  by October 31st, 2025.


(1.) A copy of the certificate awarded at one of the competitions listed, accompanied by (2.) a headshot.

You will then receive a confirmation email with your password for PART 2.

Applications for the Miami International Ballet Competition 2026 will open June 1st 2025.

In the meantime, please familiarise yourself with our Rules and Regulations.

Part 2
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