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MIBC 2022

Rules and

The Miami International Ballet Competition is open to dancers of all nationalities from ages 9 - 24.

The Competition will take place at the Julius Littman North Miami Beach Performing Arts Theater 

from January 21 - 25, 2026

MIBC Scoring

Scoring is evaluated on a 100-point scale and will be based on the following criteria:

1. Technical ability - 2. Artistic interpretation -  3. Musicality - 4. Overall presentation.

Classical variations will take 60% of the scoring while Contemporary variations will take the remaining 40%

For Divisions 3 & 4 – Of the two mandatory classical variations the one with the lowest score gets eliminated. The remaining classical variation ads up to the final score.

Awards will be given to the highest scoring dancers, however award placement does not always coincide with medal placement. For example, you may have the highest score in your category, but not a high enough score to receive a Gold medal. Therefore you might get 1st place with a Silver or Bronze Medal.

The judges’ individual scores will be averaged to make up the participant’s final score. Final awards and placement are at the discretion of the judges. All decisions are final and not open for discussion.

MIBC Rules and Regulations

  • The competition is limited to the time available, from January 21 - 25, 2026. Therefore, entries are accepted on a first come, first served basis.

  • Contemporary variations (solo) should not be longer than 2 minute and 30 seconds while Contemporary Pas de Deux should not be longer than 3 minutes and 30 seconds.

  • Competitors that enter in the Individual or Pas de Deux categories may also participate as part of an ensemble. 

  • (Ex: a student may enter a classical variation, contemporary solo, Pas de Deux and be part of an ensemble)

  • General props are allowed in all the performance categories, however, no dangerous props, such as knives, swords or pyrotechnics will be permitted.  The stage must be cleaned in a timely manner after a routine.  All props must be in place and also removed within 1 minute.

  • Miami International Ballet Competition values age appropriate dances.  If the judges consider the costuming or choreography to be inappropriate, immediate disqualification or point reductions may occur.

  • If an ensemble loses a member right before the competition and drops below the original number registered, they may still compete in the time limit allowed for that group.  If this circumstance occurs, please immediately contact MIBC staff, to prevent any deductions from the group’s score on the day of the competition.

  • All performances are held before a public audience.

  • The competitor is responsible for their own costume and makeup.

  • The competitor may only select classical variations and pas de deux from the list of approved repertoire.

  • A tentative schedule will be available approximately two weeks prior to the event date (in the registered member area).  The schedule is based on an alphabetical order by divisions and/or numbers. No time requests will be accepted.  However, if you receive the schedule and find that you do not have enough time to change costumes, it is imperative that you promptly contact MIBC staff.  Failure to do this will result in a lack of awareness of the situation by the stage manager and emcee. Points will be deducted if the participant is not ready to compete. Ten variations in between classical entries and seven pieces in between contemporary numbers is considered sufficient time.

  • The competition is run numerically, but competitors must be prepared to compete in a different order.  This is necessary to prevent delays in the competition due to costume changes.  Competitors must check the updated schedule posted daily at each venue.

  • Miami International Ballet Competition holds the right to amend competition days and times if pertinent and has the right to move the competition location if circumstances are presented beyond their control.

  • Miami International Ballet Competition, upon its own discretion, has the right to refuse any application.

  • Miami International Ballet Competition expects sportsman-like behavior from ALL of our competitors, ensembles, teachers, coaches and families.  Failure to comply will result in disqualification.

  • The jury reserves the right to not award all scholarships & prizes and to divide any award between more than one competitor in the case of a tie.  The competition is of a fair nature and solely based on merit; thus the decisions of the judges are final and not open to discussion.

  • Miami International Ballet Competition will provide participants with score sheets, upon request, at the end of the competition.

  • Miami International Ballet Competition or its hosting venues are NOT responsible for any damage, injury or loss during the competition.

  • Participants or representative must be present at the time of drawing and credential assignment. Otherwise, your participation will be annulled without the right to a refund.

  • There will be NO REFUNDS for ANY REASON.  If an injury occurs, a doctor’s note must be submitted and the funds for the 2026 competition will be held under your name (Non Transferable) for one year until the 2027 competition.

  • All participants compete in equal and fair conditions, therefore MIBC will not consider any request of change of day or time to compete under any circumstances. Please, do not insist.

  • You must be available for all days of the competition. If you have any inconvenience or restriction that would prevent you from being present, we suggest you not to register to participate in the competition.

  • Any coach, director, teacher or parent representing a participant that does not follow these regulations or acts in an unsatisfactory way disrupting the competition, its directors, judges and staff, will be asked to have their participant withdraw the competition.

  • Awarded artists are responsible for reporting and paying taxes or obligations on the total compensation received (if any).  To meet this requirement, artists must complete a W-9 form (US citizens or residents) or a 1040 form (foreign national) in the event he/she receives a cash award.  Artists cannot be involved with any organization that engages in domestic or international terrorism nor use any of the awarded money for such purposes.  In case of underage participants the documentation  must be signed by their legal guardian.

  • Participants in the ensemble groups that are not competing individually are required to reserve their spot in the Master Classes of their choice by making a payment of $30 per class or a $65 up to three classes per day.

MIBC Non-Discrimatory Policy

Miami International Ballet Competition does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities and operations. These activities include but are not limited to, hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an exclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, clients, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors and clients.

MIBC MUSIC Regulations

Miami International Ballet Competition uses digital files and will only be accepting MP3s (No other file types will be accepted). Music must be received by December 1st, 2025, either uploaded to your final registration form or via email to If received after this date, a $25.00 late fee will apply.

If a circumstance presents itself where you must change the music, variation, etc, from what was originally submitted, you may email us your changed file up until January 7th, 2026. After January 7th, 2025, there will be an additional $50.00 replacement fee applied.

Participants are responsible for a backup CD. The cue should not exceed 5 seconds at the beginning of the music. Music must be recorded at desired speed, there will be NO adjustments made during the competition. Double labels on CD's will cause skipping. Data CD's will not play without problems. Please use CD-R for backup discs. Miami International Ballet Competition is not responsible for CD playback problems or anomalies. Participants also need to notify the backstage manager about any music irregularities such as pauses, volume changes, etc. so that we do not re-start the performance.


Please name your music file as: 

(Category, Style, Division, Last name, First name, School, Music Title)

Example: Solo, Classical, DIV 1, Smith, Mary, DanceStudio, Paquita, 1st variation.mp3)

MIBC Photos and Videos



Miami International Ballet Competition will provide competitors with professionally recorded video and action photos to purchase. No personal video cameras will be permitted in the theatre. Please give us your full cooperation in this matter. Failure to abide by these rules could result in disqualification.


Miami International Ballet Competition reserves the right to use any photo or video recording of the participants during the competition for promotional purposes.

To ensure that you will have a video, MIBC is adding a $100 Video and Photo fee to your registration. This fee includes one video and 3 photos. You may use this fee towards larger video and photo packages. Please contact the videographer and photographer for more information.


If you would like more videos or photos please contact:

For Video: Carlos Ochoa a 

For Photo: Patricia Laine:


*Please make sure you have read all the Rules and Regulations carefully, for failure to abide by them will result in point deductions or disqualification. If any issue arises, and it is not clearly addressed in the Rules and Regulations, the decision by Miami International Ballet Competition directives shall be binding. By submitting your final registration form, you agree to abide by all the competition’s Rules and Regulations.

Applications for the 2025 Miami International Ballet Competition are now Closed.

Applications for MIBC 2026 will open July 1st 2025

Video and photo
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